
Students Provide Care Packs for Year 12

During Pastoral Care this term our Year 9 devotions teachers created a discussion around the importance of having an ‘outward’ rather than an ‘inward’ focus. This has derived from our unpacking of the Graduate Profile during our devotion time. 

In short, we have sought to live with the daily questions of:

‘How can I be more aware of the needs of others around me?’ 
‘How can I make and maintain positive relationships with my community in a meaningful and positive way?’ 

As a year group, Year 9 decided to put together a ‘care package’ for Year 12 students consisting of hot chocolate, a mug, marshmallows, cookies, brownies, a pack of tissues, chips, pens, and post-it notes. Each pack had a handwritten notes and verses of encouragement from a Year 9 student encouraging them in their final exams and future endeavours.

This week the Year 9 students distributed these packages to Year 12 who were appreciative of the kindness and support our students have  shown them. 

Thanks to everyone who supported this initiative and especially year 9 for their willingness to encourage and bless Year 12.